For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

1 Timothy 2:7 (KJV)

The Good Report

As we go through our day to day life, we see so much good that we decided to share it.

Philippians 4:8 says

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honerable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

The Good Report will be an outlet to share just that, good reports.

Testimonies of Salvations, Miracles, and Healings. 

We have been traveling around the U.S.A. gathering video testimonies. God has blessed us by putting us in the right spot at the right time to meet people and get these testimonies so we can share His goodness with you. It has truly been a blessing videoing these testimonies. It is so strengthening hearing how God has ministered to His children.

Breakfast with the Silvers

Alexandra (AKA Alex) and I were given a devotional comprised of sermonettes from Smith Wigglesworth sermons. As we read it we were so blessed. There would be weeks where we would read it everyday. Other weeks we might only read it once, but when we did it would be so spiritually connected to where we were in the moment that it would be noticably guided by the Holy Spirit. As we read further and further through the book we'd make comments like what are we going to do when we finish it? It was just that powerful. We agreed that we'd just start it over again. Then I asked Alex if she would be willing to start a VLOG and read it every morning for 365 days. Well She said yes and days later we had permission from the publishing house.

Proclaiming Good News

God has given us great testimonies to share with All. 

We pray daily for the Holy Spirit to lead us, and He does! We have seen great provision when all doors were shut and then God opens the doorof provision! Moments when He just humbles us in such a beautiful way. Completely astonished by His ways of making it clear that He is our provider.

Oh how we serve such an awesome God. 

He has healed us on occasions when we stood on His promises.

We have been able to be a part of healings and watch the joy of the Lord flood over people.

We have seen Him literally stop the wind for us. Yes He still holds the wind in the palm of His hand! God has given to us freely, so freely we will give.

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